MCS Awards for Students with Full Attendance
40 students with unbroken attendance since the beginning of the school year were honoured at a special ceremony in MCS today. Principal, Pól Ó Síodhcháin and Deputy Principal, Frances Moynihan, were joined by Mrs. Mona Linehan (Trustee Representative, Board of Management), Mr. John Magee (Chairperson Board of Management) and Ms. Jennifer O’Donoghue (Assistant Principal with responsibility for School Attendance).
Mr. Ó Síodhcháin spoke of the importance of maintaining good attendance at school and commended the 40 students on their achievement to date. He also outlined the role of the Board of Management to those present and the importance the Board places on encouraging high attendance rates in MCS. It is a sign of healthy, happy school to have such a high percentage of students across all year groups with unbroken attendance at this stage of the year.
Each student received a special certificate from TÚSLA The Child and Family Agency as well as a letter of commendation from the Board of Management of MCS. Mrs. Mona Linehan, Mr. John Magee and Ms. Jennifer O’Donoghue presented the students with their awards.
Mr. Ó Síodhcháin concluded the ceremony by encouraging the students to strive to achieve their potential, in whatever capacity that may be. A key part of that will be their attendance at school.
We wish to sincerely thank Mrs. Mona Linehan for being with us for the occasion, as well as Mr. Seán Radley, who photographed the presentations for us. Thanks also to those members of staff who gave of their time to attend this morning’s important event.
Award Recipients with Pól Ó Síodhcháin, Principal; Frances Moynihan, Deputy Principal; Jennifer O’Donoghue, Assistant Principal (Attendance); John Magee, Chairperson Board of Management; Mona Linehan, Trustee Representative Board of Management.
Mr. Ó Síodhcháin addresses the award recipients and guests